【国際海事機関IMO認定商品】 SC-1000で船上の全てを洗浄をする方法




海上を運行する船舶等については、各国間で海洋汚染防止条約( MARPOL ; International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships )が結ばれており、

特に船タンクの洗浄のような環境に大量に排出される可能性が有る洗浄液については、国際海事機関( IMO ; International Maritime Organization )が規定する厳しい条件に従い評価、証明された製品でなければならないことになっています。


SC-1000は2004年12月17日付けで国際海事機関を通じ海洋環境保護委員会( MEPC ; Maritime Environment Protection Committee )MARPOL 73/78 付録Ⅱ第3(4)項及び副段落に規定されている条件を全て満足している証明を取得することが出来ました。
















インフィニティ株式会社 – ~地球を安全にきれいにしております~


















IMO認定商品 SC-1000の特徴とは?






【英訳】SC-1000 Special Features

        【SC-1000  Special Features】


◎Potent Cleaning and Degreasing Capability

  • Types of Materials and Surfaces which SC-1000 Suitable for: Essentially, SC-1000 is suitable for materials and surfaces that can be washed with water:painted surfaces, unpainted metals, ceramics, plastics (except ABS), rubbers, vinyl's, glass, concrete, wood, leather, artificial leather, textiles, fabrics, vegetables, fruits, etc
  • Types of Soils and Substances which SC-1000 is Suitable for: Essentially, virtually all organi substances: lubricants, greases, petroleum oils, food oils, fats and other lipids, proteins, sugars, mildew, moulds, bacteria and other microbial scum, excrements, etc


◎Gentle to and Safe for  The Human Body

  • Non-toxic: Contains no Petroleum -based solvents, distillates or other chemicals, no caustics, no chlorinated chemicals, no glycols, no terpenes, no holmone-disrupting chemicals, or other toxic chemicals
  •  Gentle to the skin: Will not cause irritation, itching or redness to the skin (Most people can leave even 100% fluid on their skin all day with no discomfort, and, to the contrary, there are cases reported where its application has actually relived irritated or otching skin)
  • Non-Volatile Non-Vaporizing: With no VOCs and  no offensive smell, SC-1000 can be used comfortably within in confined quarters
  • Non-Flammble: Conversely, SC-1000 is an excellent fire-extinguishing agent 
  • Non-Reactable: SC-1000 does not react with other chemicals to generate toxic substances


◎Gentle to and Safe for The World's Ecosystem

  • Readily Biodegradable: Rapidly biodegrades and remediates back into the environment, without any undesirable impact on soil, water or air and the ecosystem that thrives therein
  • promotes the Biodegradability of Other Organic Substances: Will disperse greases, oils and other organic substances at the organic level and promote their consumption by microbes. Additionally, at a concentration of 1 part per 1000will actually increase the promulgation of beneficial bacteria which thrive on consuming SC-1000 and other organic substances.


◎Protects Against Oxidation 

  • Protects Against Rust: Will not cause rust, but will to the contrary prevent rust
  • Protects Rubbers Against Oxidation: Unlike many detergents and solvents, will not degrade rubbers, but to the contrary woll protect them from oxidation 


◎Effective for Deodorization 

  • Deodorizes Excreta: Very effective even at  very low concentrations for neutralizing the odors of urine, excrement, and other natural foul odors 
  • Deodorizes Drain Pipes and Other Putrid Areas: Very effective at neutralizing the putrid odors generated by microbiall promulgation


◎Prevents and Readily Eliminates  Drainpipe Clogging 

  • Prevents Buildup in and Foul Odors from Drainpipes: If used for daily washing needs, after which SC-1000 is rinsed down into drainpipes, SC-1000 will prevent the formation of detergent scum/soap scum and the resultant clogging and foul odors caused by the undesirable microbes that promulgate therein 
  • Eliminates Drainpipes Clogs and Foul Odor: Fillimg up a cloogged drainpipe with diluted SC-1000 and leaving SC-1000 to sit will disperse the detergent scum/soap scum and eliminate the clog formed therefrom as well as neutralize and together wash away the the undesirable microbes and odorous substances produced by them


◎Readily Cleans and Prevents Mould

  • Readily Cleans and Prevents Mould Growth on Surfaces: Readily removes mould from all non-porous surfaces, and leavinjg a coating of a 10% or higher solution to dry on the surface will prevent mould promulgation.
  • Prevents Moulds and Moss Growth and Scale Buildup in Water-based Cooling Systems: Adding SC-1000 to the water of a water-based air-conditioning systems will prevent the growth of mould, algae and other undesirable microbes as well as the formation of scale and thereby prevent a drop in energy efficiency. Similarly adding some to the water in a water-based chiller will also prevent microbial and algae growth together with scale buildup thereby greatly extending the non-maintenance requiring life of the water while maintaining high energy effciency.

【英訳】The Efficacy of 【SAFE CARE SC-1000】Cleaning Fluid



To:Engineering Director


Re:The Efficacy of 【SAFE CARE SC-1000】Cleaning Fluid


As mentioned in a previous report, in December last year, in response to the request concerning the cleaning fluid listed above, " Can it be used for bilge maintenance," the products was used but there were no marked results worthy of special mention.

Subsequently, the left-over fluid has been used for a variety of "miscellaneous" cleaning tasks,where it is displaying exceptional efficaly.








